We just got back from a trip to Prague and Croatia with our friends Brian and Jess. Photos and blog on that should be forthcoming.
In the meantime, we'll try to take some photos of our new home here in the good ol' Bayou City. Here is one of the outside.
Here are the photos from when our container finally showed up (after an excrutiating 2 month stay in a hotel).
Now that we are finally moved in, we'll take some pictures of the inside. I've been getting requests from several people, so we'll post some ASAP.
In the meantime, Alex and I are just working on getting used to being back in the USA, practicing our Texas vernacular such as "y'all," (these days "Hola, como esta" would actually be more fitting- I'm going to have to put that Spanish degree to some use) and looking forward to what the future here may hold!